As a fan of skate shoes and most specifically a fan of éS footwear I go through my social media looking for tags related to the shoes. Normally I’m able to find shoes that are coming out in the future, checkout some old and/or new collections and other times just find inspiration. During my regular scrolling I ran into Patrik’s work. At first I thought it was a shoe that was coming out, didn’t really paid much attention. When I saw it again I started to look a little closer. It was the éS Silo SC X Muckmouth shoe that never came out. Patrik had done 4 colorways for it and it looked really good. It looked “real”.
I actually held the éS Silo x Muckmouth sample that never was and sent a picture over to Patrik. All he wished for, the sole to be used.
Now I’ve used Photoshop myself, being a graphic designer, it is one of the main tools I use for work on a daily basis. That’s what caught my attention. With Patrik’s work you can’t tell most of the time if it’s real or not, which is why the number question he gets is “where can I buy those shoes?”. I’m happy to get to know Patrik a little better and for him to share with us his passion for shoes and skateboarding.
Interview by Andres Alfonso

How did you get into skateboarding?
I got my first board (a Powell Mike McGill ‘Skull & snake’ knock-off) from my grandparents when I was 4, but I didn’t really start skating “for real” until I was around 7 years old. The rest of my childhood was pretty much spent on a skateboard. Nowadays it’s more occasional though. I’ve never been any good either, haha!

How did you get into shoes?
I’ve always liked clothes, shoes and design. I remember standing in front of the mirror and crying before going to daycare because my clothes didn’t match, haha!
Do you collect shoes? if so, what’s your most prized possesion?
I have a small collection, yes! Mostly éS (shocker!), but some other stuff too. Around 50 pairs or so total. My most prized possession would be either my éS Muskas or éS Laker Koston 3’s.

What sparked the idea to start Skate Shoe Dreams?
I’ve been playing around generally in Photoshop for almost 20 years, and during these years I’ve done a few colorways here and a couple sole swaps there – nothing serious, just to see what it’d look like.
Then some pics of the éS Evant leaked in mid 2019 and I was… disappointed. I did a quick sole swap with the Sesla sole and posted on my personal Instagram account and the Slap Forum. It got pretty well received and I was really stoked to see that people liked my ideas.

A few months later, the éS Holiday ’19 catalog was available and it had the Silo SC x Muckmouth in it. Navy leather with that incredible icy clear double cupsole. I was thrilled! Shortly after that I found out it got scrapped due to too few preorders. I was yet again severely disappointed. I put together some more colorways of the Silo SC and stuck that sole on a whole bunch of different uppers. I then created @skateshoedreams to spare my family and friends from my obsession and spamming. I just wanted to show the world what could be and what we were missing out on!

How do you make your compositions? What’s your process?
I always start with a base photo. At first I only used straight profile shots with all white backgrounds, because they were the easiest to modify. Now I like the challenge of using different angles, backgrounds and so on. The ”on foot” stuff I’ve been doing lately has been really fun. Anyway, I then modify them to my liking – sole swap, change the shape, remove things I think are unnecessary, move panels, stitching etc. After that’s done I start working on colorways! Everything is done in Photoshop.
Are you a footwear designer?
Only in my dreams! My day job is in the office of a construction company.
Why éS?
In 1997, when I was 10, my mother took me shopping for some new shoes and BAM! On the skate shop wall, there they were – the first run éS Koston 1 in black/gum, no air bag. It was love at first sight and I haven’t really looked back since, except a few side steps here and there.

Favorite éS shoe all time?
Hmm… I think I’d have to say Muska. Koston 1 is a real close second though.
If éS (Sole Tech) came to you and said “Patrik let’s do a shoe”, which one of the ones you’ve made would you choose? and why?
Tough question! It would of course be amazing to do one of the completely made up ones, like the Asta or Hart pro models, but at the same time I’d really like to see my Muska refresh in real life. And it would be an honor to get to continue the legacy Franck Boistel has created.
But if éS were to ever offer me the chance to bring one of my mockups to life, I’d be ecstatic regardless of which one they’d want to make.

Skate Shoe Dreams started a little over a year ago, did you ever expect it would grow as it did? and have people ask where they can purchase?
I couldn’t in my wildest dreams imagine it would get this much attention! I was also very surprised the first time someone asked where/if they could buy. The thought that anyone could believe they were real hadn’t even crossed my mind!
You do some theme based compositions, is Wu-Tang your favorite rap group? are you a Lakers fan?
Yeah I’d say they’re my favorite rap group! I do like a lot of different music though, but I also like black/yellow colorways, haha! Regarding the Lakers, I put a disclaimer on one of my posts saying that I don’t know squat about basketball and that I just like the colors. That’s completely true. I guess I’ve been influenced by the Laker colorways Koston did while he was on éS. I also really like the Knicks color scheme!

What’s your favorite colorway?
Ooh.. can I pick three? White/gum, black/gum and navy/gum. The holy trinity that every shoe should be done in!
I’m sure you’ve watched éS Menikmati, what’s your favorite part?
Wow, so hard to pick just one! I think I’d choose Arto’s part though.
Who’s your favorite éS rider all time?
Hmm… I think I’d have to say Muska.

What’s the Swedish skate scene like?
I’ll be completely honest and say that I don’t really follow the skate scene, neither Swedish nor global. I like skateboarding, but I’m not that interested in who rides for what company, who did this and who did that.
It feels like we have a pretty solid skate scene here locally, but I’m not really the guy to ask. I’m more of a lone wolf, doing my own thing!
I can only think of Ali Boulala when thinking of Swedish skaters, what are other skaters from Sweden that I should know about?
Like I stated earlier, I’m not really up to date on the skate scene, but you should check out Per Welinder, Tony Magnusson, Per Holknekt, Stefan Åkesson, Pontus Alv and Mathias Ringström to name a few!
Who’s your favorite Swedish skater?
While growing up Ali was definitely one of them! Still is, but if I have to choose one I’ll say Andreas Engelkes.

What are your favorite skate shoe brands? Top 5 – I’m like 99.99% sure about one of them
Axion, Etnies, old school Osiris, old school Emerica and of course éS!
What are skate shoe brands doing wrong?
I’m not in any position to tell them what they should do, but I feel like some companies maybe should listen to their customers and fans more. To a certain degree, of course.
What are they doing right?
Making new and/or updated shoes with new technology and materials but with old school design.

What’s one shoe that éS should definitely bring back?
Muska! I’m not in any way one of those purists who wants everything to be exactly the way it was though. I mean, yeah, they were great… 25 years ago.
I’d actually rather see a refreshed version. A bit slimmer and lighter with more modern shape and materials while still maintaining most of the original design would be awesome!
Any last words?
A big thanks to all my followers and thank you Andres, for considering me interesting enough to interview!

Follow Patrik on Instagram @skateshoedreams