I am not a drunkard, but I am not a saint either. A sorcerer should not be a “saint”… he should be able to descend as low as a louse and rise as high as an eagle… You must be god and devil at the same time. Being a good wizard means being in the middle of the storm and not taking shelter. He means experiencing life in all phases. It means doing crazy from time to time. That too is sacred.
Lame Roe Deer
(Sioux warlock of the Lakota tribe)
Facing a dry sea in a waking state. Located in the place that had given me the tangles of chance. I am standing on a sandy surface. Down on my knees. I dig my fingers into the sand gliding easily. I have a feeling that a downpour is coming. Attentive look. In the distance I see a mountain. At its peak radiated a fiery light that quickly became a cold reflection.