I really do, I really like éS shoes, but it wasn’t always like that.
Like most skaters shoes became an important part of my gear. Some skaters are very meticulous about the type of shoe they skate, wether is vulc or cupsole, what color, what brand, are they low, mid or hi tops and much more. Others don’t really care so long as they have something protecting their feet. I definitely cared but I always chose within the limits, meaning, the types of brands available at the skate shop and the budget.

éS was not a brand easily available in Colombia (where I started skating) but oddly enough I got a pair of Koston 1’s second hand, they were navy with a gum sole. Someone had gotten this pair of Kostons from a relative traveling from the US to Colombia and didn’t really wear them. I’ll be honest, I didn’t really like them. They were soft and very thin on my feet. I tried skating them a few times, but I eventually traded them to a friend for a different pair of shoes. I don’t remember ever buying another pair of éS shoes while in Colombia. I remember getting a lot of Circas, Globes, Vans, Emericas, some Etnies, DVS, Vox and more. But again never éS. I really wanted a handful of them that I had seen on Menikmati, then later seeing Paul Rodriguez wear some EOS (which I just saw are coming back, can’t wait) in Transworld’s In Bloom, but I just didn’t have access to them.

The next pair I remember getting was years later in South Carolina, some éS Accels OG white, black and green and I was so excited about them. I remember skating them for a bit and the sole just blew out. Now at the time I was very use to glueing all of my shoes (still do, just not as much as back then), so I tried fixing them, but I never had a shoe rip from the sole. At least not before destroying the shoelaces and ripping a hole on the kickflip side. I was so angry and bummed that I “banned” éS for a while. Years later I got some éS Square 2’s that were black leather and white sole. I didn’t really skate them much as I had gotten them for work since it was a simple black shoe. At this time éS had gone on its hiatus and personally I just felt since Menikmati, every skater had left the team to the point that they had lost their identity.

Then they started coming back and the first pair I get is the éS Swift, gray with white sole and the shoes are pretty good, they skate well and look fresh. After that some Sal 20’s – black with gum sole and that one was like a dream come true. It was feeding 15 year old me to some skate shoe history and it just started to snowball from there. I never had a pair of Accels all black, you know like the ones that PJ had on PJ’s Wonderful Horrible Life, being able to skate some Accel Slims all black you feel this energy going through your legs. You look down and you feel good, it takes you back. I normally get the majority of the shoes on sale and slowly but surely I’ve built a collection. I wear and skate them all so I’m not necessarily keeping them in the best shape, nor do I intend to sell them in the future. Once I’m done skating them I take them to skatepark and leave them for whoever might find them useful.

Now that I’m older, I get to really chose what I wear and who I support, I’m going back to when I was younger and couldn’t afford or had available to me certain shoes that help me feel good on my board. I’ve been riding éS exclusively for the last 4 years and while I haven’t been able to get every single pair I would like, I’m so grateful to even have the opportunity to get some. I figured since I’m an “éS expert” I’ll share with you my top 8 shoes, why 8 you ask? because Sk8 2 live has the number 8 and 2, 2 is not enough and 8 is just perfect. I’ve put together the following layouts of my current favorite shoes.

If you have any questions about éS, wether the shoes, the clothes, the videos, whatever it may be don’t hesitate to contact. If you’re planning on purchasing some éS on their website, try “esKelly20” to get 20% off your order. Now that I’ve shared my favorite shoe company to skate and support, I ask you, what’s your favorite shoe? what’s your favorite shoe company? do you only ride one brand? vulc or cupsole?
Big fan of éS as well, and SoleTech in general. Ironically, the Accel Slims are too narrow for my feet so I can’t wear their currently most popular model.
That’s funny that you say that. I totally understand as I also have a wide foot. I’ve come to find that not all Accel Slims are built the same, so there are some that are just a little wider in the right place that it doesn’t bother me. For example the Accel Slim x Menikmati, that one is perfect to skate, but I have some red ones with the gum sole, no way I can skate in them. I recommend the Silo’s and the Evant’s, both are really comfortable and wider than the Accel Slim. Thank you for the comment.